- Faculty Advisers: Students who have already selected a major or are in pre-major status are advised by Penn State Altoona faculty members. Find your adviser on LionPATH or Starfish.
- DUS Advisers: Students who enter the University in undecided status or are transitioning from one major to another are advised by professional advisers from the college's Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS).
- Diversity-related programming and learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff
- Learning Opportunities
- Consulting in areas related to DEIB
- IvySide Eats: on-campus food and more pantry
- Belonging Center: a place for all
- Mentor opportunities
- Interfaith Campus Ministry resources
- Identify focused student groups
- Global Programs support
- Bias reporting assistance
- Food assistance for students
- Computing support for students, faculty, and staff
- Classroom technology support
- Telecommunications and Network services
- To GET HELP for those students who need academic and non-academic assistance, and
- To GET AHEAD for those students ready to take the next steps in their education.
Click on an item below to reveal more information.
Find your adviser on LionPATH or Starfish. Then find their office and contact information in the campus directory.
Penn State Altoona utilizes a shared advising model.
W110 Smith Building
The Academic Affairs Office oversees all academic-related matters at Penn State Altoona.
Academic Services:
E108 Smith Building
The Office of Admissions coordinates the recruitment and retention efforts of Penn State Altoona.
Adler Athletic Complex
Intercollegiate Athletics oversees the varsity sports program, which competes at the NCAA Division III level. This includes athletic training, student-athlete eligibility, scheduling, compliance, and supervision of all athletic facilities. The Athletics program also provides intramural and recreational sports.
C106 Smith Building
Members of the campus community can come to the Belonging Center for assistance, networking, and programs. We provide a comfortable space for everyone to feel at home. Grab coffee or popcorn, use the relaxation room, or hang out. We strive to make this a place where all feel welcome to come and be who they are, no questions asked.
Visit the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Website
Penn State Bookstore
The Penn State Bookstore is a student-, faculty-, and staff-oriented service center managed under contract with Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc. Textbooks, course packs, and supplies required by instructors for courses offered at Penn State Altoona, as well as apparel, gift items, art supplies, computer software, and other items are available in the Bookstore.
The University's Bursar’s Office manages all aspects of the student account for all students at Penn State and can answer any questions regarding your student account.
E101 Smith Building
The Regional Campus Relations Director for Commonwealth Campuses coordinates operations of multiple campuses and acts as a point of contact for chancellors; provides strategic oversight, planning, and advice to chancellors and leadership to ensure the smooth functioning and efficient management of campus services; collaborates closely with the senior leadership team to develop and implement strategies that align with the organization's goals and objectives.
W101 Smith Building
The Office of Career Services works with students from start to finish—from career counseling and major exploration to searching for the right career to putting together a stellar resume and preparing for job interviews.
E107 Smith Building
Dr. Ron W. Darbeau assumed the role of Chancellor of Penn State Altoona in January 2023. As Chancellor, Darbeau serves as the college's chief academic and administrative officer.
Kazmaier Family Building
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations cultivates philanthropic relationships for the University and Penn State Altoona. It is dedicated to providing alumni and stewardship services and matching the college's needs with donors' philanthropic interests.
Student Success Center, 125 Eiche Library
The Office of Student Disability Resources coordinates support services and reasonable academic accommodations and promotes disability awareness in the university community.
Belonging Center, C106 Smith Building
The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging provides the following services:
Visit the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Website
Course study and degree programs at Penn State Altoona are divided among four academic divisions. Visit the Business, Health, Humanities, and Social Sciences website to learn more about the disciplines within the division.
Visit the Division of Business, Health, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Course study and degree programs at Penn State Altoona are divided among four academic divisions. Visit the Engineering, Science, and Technology website to learn more about the disciplines within the division.
Visit the Division of Engineering, Science, and Technology Website
E108 Smith Building
The Director of Enrollment Management is responsible for overseeing the Office of Admissions and the Office of Financial Aid and for coordinating—with other departments and divisions—Penn State Altoona's recruitment and retention efforts.
Facilities and Operations Building
The Office of Facilities and Operations is responsible for all of the physical plant needs of Penn State Altoona, including maintenance of buildings, grounds management, landscaping, snow removal, facilities set-ups, utilities, carpentry, electrical, HVAC, energy-saving projects, and custodial/janitorial needs.
The Finance Office is responsible for budgetary planning and financial matters, including interpreting and enforcing University fiscal policies, goods and services, monitoring budgets (including faculty development awards, research grants, and travel awards), income, expenditures, and payroll.
W113 Smith Building
The Office of Financial Aid supports Penn State Altoona students who receive financial aid and students who qualify for veterans benefits and summer aid.
C106 Smith Building
The Ivyside Eats food pantry provides students with various foods and hygienic products at no cost. While students must provide their Penn State ID number, no additional information is required. The pantry is open during regularly scheduled walk-in hours or by appointment. Donations of all types are accepted. Contact ivysideeats@psu.edu to donate.
Sheetz Family Health Center
The Health and Wellness Center cares for students' health issues in an atmosphere of confidentiality and respect. The Center offers medical care and treatment for most illnesses and minor injuries, counseling and psychological services, and health education.
Dr. Laura Rotunno
Honors Program Coordinator
210 Hawthorn Building
Penn State Altoona's Honors Program provides an enriched academic experience for high-achieving, motivated students. The program offers students who qualify opportunities to shape their coursework, research, and creative efforts in ways that help them best meet their academic and professional goals.
The Office of Housing and Food Services manages Penn State Altoona's four residence halls as well as the college's dining hall and other food service locations.
The Office of Human Resources supports the HR needs of current and prospective employees and retirees.
The Office of Information Technology (IT) provides various technology services to the campus community. Penn State Altoona IT is responsible for the following:
232 Hawthorn Building
The Office of Instructional Design enhances faculty instructional strategies to create an exceptional, engaging, student-centered learning environment in resident, hybrid, or online format. The office aids in course preparation, classroom engagement, and support.
Student Success Center, 125 Eiche Library
Academic Internships connect students with businesses and organizations to create and support mutually beneficial collaborations and provide students with real-world work experience.
The Robert E. Eiche Library serves the research and course-related needs of the Penn State Altoona community.
103 Slep Student Center
The Division of Student Affairs offers resources and support for commuting students and those living in off-campus facilities.
The Office of Planning and Institutional Research facilitates data-informed decision-making in support of student and institutional success.
Adler Athletic Complex
The Office of Recreation oversees various recreational activities, including aquatics, intramural sports, club sports, athletic facilities, and fitness classes. A variety of student employment opportunities are available.
W114 Smith Building
The Registrar's Office assists students in achieving their academic goals by enabling them to focus on academics, not administrative matters.
The Office of Research and Engagement supports Penn State Altoona faculty and students in their research, creative practice, out-of-classroom academic activities, and community engagement.
The Office of Residence Life provides residential students with a supportive environment and opportunities to learn more about themselves, each other, and the world in which we live—both locally and globally.
E103 Smith Building
The Office of Strategic Communications oversees all matters related to public information, community and media relations, and special events at the college, including the college’s website, publications, photography, public relations and marketing, and social media. The office produces news, information, and materials about events, people, and activities at the college, focusing on promoting student achievements and faculty and staff expertise.
103 Slep Student Center
The Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response fosters a safe living and learning environment for Penn State Altoona students by promoting the Code of Conduct and handling repercussions when students fail to adhere to it.
Visit the Student Accountability and Conflict Response Website
103 Slep Student Center
The Division of Student Affairs provides students with the services and developmental opportunities to challenge, support, and enhance their overall educational experience as they become increasingly active and responsible members of their communities. The Divsion oversees the offices of Career Services, Health and Wellness, Off-campus Living, Residence Life, Student Accountability and Conflict Response, and Student Leadership and Involvement.
103 Slep Student Center
The Office of Student Leadership and Involvement provides support and resources for student clubs and organizations, coordinates the college’s student community service efforts, and plans entertaining and educational events for the campus community.
125 Eiche Library
Penn State Altoona’s Student Success Center enables student engagement across our campus and the broader community. The Center helps remove the burdens and barriers that disable engagement and more efficiently connect students with tools and services to become proactive learners and citizens worldwide. The Center supports two main functions:
Available Services:
Student Success Center, 125 Eiche Library
The Office of Study Away at Penn State Altoona supports all interested students, regardless of major, who want to spend a spring break, a semester, or a full academic year away from campus on an academic program in a different part of the country or world.
Student Success Center, 125 Eiche Library
Tutoring at Penn State Altoona helps students succeed in learning. All services are free to Penn State Altoona students. Tutoring is handled primarily by professional tutors or instructors from the discipline during the fall and spring semesters. In some subjects, peer tutoring is also available. Peer tutors are students who have aced the class you seek help with and have received tutor training.
University Police at Penn State is responsible for the protection of and service to its students, faculty, and staff. In addition, University Police is charged with the protection of property and maintenance of order as well as the enforcement of both the laws of the Commonwealth and University regulations. University Police has full law enforcement authority.
Student Success Center, 125 Eiche Library
The Office of Veterans Education Benefits provides service to veterans, service members, and their family members. While the primary mission is to assist current and future students with maximizing their veteran education benefits, the office can also provide referrals for other veteran-related matters.
The Office of Workforce Development is responsible for all non-credit professional development and personal enrichment programs and courses in a five-county service area. The office also administers all off-campus credit courses, manages the Devorris Downtown Center, and delivers customized training on-site to businesses and industry.
Visit the Workforce Development Website
Penn State Altoona’s Writing Commons helps students in all disciplines become more effective, more confident writers. Supportive, trained undergraduate peer writing consultants work one-on-one with students at all levels, disciplines, and stages in the writing process.